Prospective Interns

Information for Prospective Applicants 2024-2025

Current Intern Handbook 2023-2024

Requirements for Applying:

  • NOPIP has determined that applicants will be required to have:

  1. a minimum of 500 hours in Total Intervention & Assessment Hours/Total Supervision Hours combined

  2. a minimum of three (3) semesters of practicum experience, including at least one (1) practicum with an adult population

  3. completed at least one (1) integrated written report

  4. been enrolled in an APA-Accredited doctoral program

Application Process:

  • Complete an AAPI online via the APPIC portal - For more information, go to the APPIC website and review the process for completing the AAPI online for the match process.

  • Designate the consortium sites to which you are applying in your cover letter

  • Interns will be matched to one site for the entirety of the training year. You can apply to more than one site within NOPIP (e.g., OFC and IHCRC), but each site must be independently chosen and interviews will be per site, not for the whole consortium in general

  • Submit a de-identified psychological report in your supplemental material of the AAPI


  • The deadline for applications occurs in mid November each year. The internship year will commence at the beginning of August and run through the end of July.